জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি: ইংরেজি

রবিবার, ২০ মার্চ, ২০১১

Let’s Discuss Gardening

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি ১ম পত্রের ইউনিট-১, লেসন-৪ ‘লেট’স ডিসকাস গার্ডেনিং’ থেকে প্রশ্নোত্তর আলোচনা করব।
Q.1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(h) Rina wanted to grow —.
(i) fruits (ii) flowers (iii) vegetables (iv) trees
(i) — is going to have a talk with the headmaster.
(i) Anwar (ii) the headmaster
(iii) his class (iv) Mr. Ahmed
(j) Anwar worked in the — of his new school.
(i) library (ii) canteen (iii) garden (iv) play ground
(k) — said that he would help the students.
(i) Mr. Ahmed (ii) Mr. Alam (iii) Anwar (iv) Mrs. Amin
(l) About — students were interested in gardening.
(i) 20 (ii)30 (iii) 15 (iv) 40
(m) Mr. Ahmed looked out of the —.
(i) door (ii) window (iii) fence (iv) balcony
Answer to the question no.-1:
(f)+ (ii) Mr. Nurul Alam, (g)+(i) Mr. Anis Ahmed, (h)+(ii) flowers (i)+(iv) Mr. Ahmed, (j)+(iii) library, (k)+(i) Mr. Ahmed, (l)+(i) 20, (m)+(ii) window.
Q.2. Write whether the statements are true or false, if false, give the correct answer.
(a) Some students do gardening at home.(b) Anwar did not work at his former school.(c) Without getting the approval of the headmaster they can not start gardening. (d) Mr. Ahmed is callous to the student’s interest. (e) About twenty students showed interest in gardening. (f) The school shop of Nurpur High School is profitable. (g) The students wanted to grow only flowers in the garden. (h) Gardening is difficult but enjoyable. (i) Mr. Ahmed is the Headmaster of Nurpur High School. (j) Anwar was a new student of class eight. (k) Anwar said that he wanted to grow vegetables in the garden. (l) Anwar worked in the garden of his former school. (m) Mr. Ahmed said that gardening is a very hard work. (n) About thirty students raised their hands. (o) Mr. Ahmed was cordial in helping the students. (p) Mr. Alam said that gardening is a very hard work. (q) Mr. Ahmed wanted to discuss the matter with the Headmaster. (r) Nurpur High school has not only a garden but also a school shop. (s) The students wanted to make a flower shop for business. (t) Kashem showed interest in making a garden in Sonapur High School.
Answer to the question no.-2:
(a) True. (b) False. Correct answer : He worked at his former school. (c) True.(d) False. Correct answer : He is responding to the student’s interest. (e) True (f) True. (g) False. Correct answer : The students wanted to grow both flowers and vegetables. (h) True. (i) False. Correct answer : He is the general science teacher of Nurpur High school. (j) True (k) True (l) True (m) True. (n) False. Correct answer : About twenty students raised their hands. (o) True (p) False. Correct answer : Mr. Ahmed said so. (q) True (r) False. Correct answer : Nurpur High school has only a shop. (s) False. Correct answer : They wanted to make a garden to grow flowers and vegetables.(t) False. Correct answer : He showed interest in making a school garden in Nurpur High school.

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