Part-A Grammar
প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থীরা, গতকালের পর আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের গ্রামার অংশ থেকে প্রশ্নোত্তর আলোচনা করব। তোমরা এগুলো আগে নিজে চেষ্টা করবে। তারপর উত্তরের সঙ্গে তা মিলিয়ে নিবে।

2. Read the following letter and fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:
Dear Sir,
I shall be grateful to you if you kindly publish the following write-up in your newspaper. ‘Culture is the mirror and reflection (a) — life (b) — a society. (c) — a country. From the beginning of cable TV, the western as well as Indian culture is sweeping (d) — our culture. If we fall to make our people interested (e) — our own culture, the cultural invasion is a must. We should make all our efforts to improve our cultural heritage and entertainment media, so that we can uphold our heritage.’
Answer to the question no.-2:
(a) of (b) in (c) of (d) over (e) in.
3. Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (╫) where an article is not needed.
When (a) — great poet, Ferdousi, began to write (b) — Shahanama, the Sultan promised him (c) — piece of gold for each (d) — verse. When (e) —epic was finished, it contained sixty thousand (f) — verses. Instead of giving gold coins, he offered the poet only sixty thousand silver (g) — coins. The poet refused to take the silver coins and left the court with (h) —broken heart. He was (i) —aggrieved man. Later on the Sultan realised that he had made (j) — blunder.
Answer to the question no.-3:
(a) the (b) ╫ (c) a (d) ╫ (e) the (f) ╫ (g) ╫ (h) a (i) an (j) a.
4. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words from the list.
in fact— recently— sometimes—besides—for instance
— though— while
(a) — man has made tremendous technological progress, he has not been able to conquer nature completely. (b) —, he is hit by natural calamities. (c) —, a devastating flood very often occurs in Bangladesh leaving people homeless (d) — other various calamities damage and destroy life and property. (e) —, some of the African countries are affected by drought.
Answer to the question no.-4:
(a) though (b) sometimes (c) for instance (d) while (e) besides.
5. Make meaningful sentences with the following idioms (any five).
At the sight of, Black and blue, Hard and fast, The lion’s share, Beat about the bush, Throw dust in ones eyes, Well off
Answer to the question no.-5:
a) At the sight of : His mouth is often watered at the sight of sweets.
b) Black and blue : They beat the thief black and blue.
c) Hard and fast : There is a very hard and fast rule in this college.
d) The lion’s share : He got the lion’s share of the profit.
e) Beat about the bush : You should answer the questions, you should not beat about the bush.
f) Throw dust in one’s eyes : Don’t try to throw dust in my eyes.
g) Well off : He was born in a well of fame.
6. Rewrite the following speech.
‘Where did you go yesterday?’ said Lipi. ‘I went to Chittagong to see my mother,’ said Mina. ‘She has been suffering from high blood pressure.’ ‘Is she sound now?’ said Lipi. ‘No,’ said Mina.
Answer to the question no.-6:
Lipi asked Mina where she had gone the previous day. Mina replied that she had gone to Chittagong to see her mother. She added that she had been suffering from high blood pressure. Lipi asked Mina if she was sound then. Mina replied in the negative.
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